Sustainable Transformation from the Inside Out
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Energy for
Sustainable Transformation from the Inside Out
Taking the First Steps
Hi everyone,

As January has settled in how are you doing with your resolutions for 2023?  I have added some new things into my days, but there are still a few bigger things that are still stalled on the starting line.

Even though I have changed how I think about resolutions and try to create reasonable and doable intentions for how I want to make change, each new year brings some surprising wrinkles. When I’m first thinking about these changes, I feel creative and inspired and there is a feeling of newness and enthusiasm as I think about making these changes. But now that the new year has really started, it’s time for action, and some of my old gremlins are trying to keep me stuck.

Maybe I can’t seem to get quite the right vision for a newsletter, or maybe I leave it too late to put everything together….😜. I know the themes I want to explore this month are ways that we resist making change - even good change - so what shows up to stop me? My buddy procrastination.

So I’ve called on my favourite practices that help get me unstuck and moving again. Conscious EFT™ and Havening Techniques® . And now I think I'm on a bit of a roll.

Read on to see if I actually get moving.

Lots of love,
Georgia Barnwell

Resolution Resistance: Procrastination

Like many others, I often berate myself for procrastinating. Why can’t I just get it done? I can’t get started, I keep missing the deadline, and I seem to do anything except the task at hand. It could be anything… cleaning the basement, staring a diet, studying, writing, working…. You name it, and I’m pretty sure I’ve procrastinated around it, or maybe even never got it done!

The thing is, we think procrastination is a problem, but it’s not. It’s the solution to a bigger problem. Possibly a problem we are not aware of. Sure we can easily procrastinate cleaning the basement or putting away the laundry because we simply don’t want to. That’s not the kind of procrastination I’m talking about.

This is about having something we want to do that’s meaningful and motivating to us. We know we are committed to doing it. Like taking a course or looking for a new job, or even addressing an issue in a relationship. We know we want to do the thing, we know it will improve our well-being and quality of life, but we simply can’t get going. We might find ourselves doing absolutely anything to avoid it. Maybe we even clean out the fridge and put away the laundry and look for more chores to distract us. Gee. I don’t have time to do the thing! And we often say, I simply don’t know why I can’t do this!

So what's holding us back? We all have numerous unconscious 'beliefs' or behavoiur patterns that shape our view of what's possible for us, and these drive our behaviour. And even though it doesn't feel very active, procrastination is definitely behaviour designed to keep us feeling safe and in control.

What if I do this thing and it changes my life completely? Who will I be? I won’t fit in anymore. Maybe it’s not possible to do. There must be lots of other people who can do it better.  What if I fail? I won’t even get it right so why should I even try.

All of these limiting beliefs and more are ways our nervous system keeps us safe. After all if we don’t ever do the thing, then we can’t fail and we won’t experience any of the other possible changes that can feel uncomfortable or even alarming.

Procrastination is a defense strategy that keeps us from wandering into a place of newness and uncertainty. So how do we ever make change?

First we have to recognize and accept that we are procrastinating. Maybe the message is "here's something you need to know about your resistance". Sometimes it is driven by those questions above, but at other times, maybe there is a practical message. Maybe we are not prepared enough. Maybe our standards and expectations are too high. Maybe too low. Maybe it's as simple as that, or maybe we need to explore our unconscious beliefs to see what's holding us back.

Are we comparing ourselves to other “successful” people and feel we will never measure up. Or maybe we remember that we tried something similar once and it didn’t work out. Why would we put ourselves through that again? Maybe we learned something from that previous experience and can approach this new thing with a lot more skills and understanding. Why would I want to join a choir or speak in public when my grade 6 music teacher told me to  mouth the words at the recital cuz my voice didn't sound good. So part of me is still afraid to put myself out there that way.

Tapping and Havening Techniques can help us move the energy around procrastination. It helps us identify and process the emotions and urges around our planned action. It helps us process the emotional 'hangover' of our past painful experiences that keep us stuck. And it puts us in a place where we can see new possibilities. Like maybe if I chunk this project down into smaller pieces, it won't feel so overwhelming. Maybe I can get some help from an expert to make sure my plan is sound. Or even maybe I can take some voice lessons so I feel more comfortable speaking and singing.

If you're up against some procrastination with this new year, connect with me to discuss how we can work together.
Looking for Some Nourishing Ideas
for the New Year?

Put Some LIFE in Your Diet!
Learn how to improve your digestion, support your microbiome and boost your immunity with ferments, sprouts and living foods. It's easy to add these yummy LIVE foods into your daily diet. We make 4 different fermented recipes to show you different types of foods, we learn how to grow sprouts, in jars and trays, and we make some nut/seed milks. And we learn a bit about the nutrition behind living foods and why they bring so much new energy into your day.

When you purchase this course, I'll send you an email with details to access it.

his is a 12-video course and ebook that brings information and recipes on how to add high-energy living foods to your diet.

We learn about living nutrition, how to support your microbiome and how living foods can bring more energy and balance into your life. And we have recipes and demonstrations on how to make various ferments and grow some sprouts.

I am offering this as a Holiday Special for $39.

Message me to purchase and I will send you the links - that's my less than tech savvy solution to the mysteries of WordPress!
Put some LIFE in your DIET!

Canada’s National Emotional Freedom Techniques Training Institute provides 12-week program DISCOVER Conscious EFT™ that offers Stress Reduction, Symptom Management & Self-Regulation around current life issues. #EFT #Neftti
Click here for more information.

What's New at Energy for Transformation?
Here are a few new goodies to whet your appetite, with more to come in the new year!

  • I am excited to announce that I will be adding Havening Techniques® to my toolbox! Havening is an Energy Psychology technique and close cousin to EFT. And like EFT, It helps us to regulate our nervous system, process past painful events and shift from stuck to empowered. I have been using this in combination with Conscious EFT and find that it is a natural companion to tapping.

  • Check out how we can work together individually to help you meet your most precious goals.

  • If you'd like to organize a program for your small group, check out these offerings. We have a lot of fun, share our collective wisdom and learn new tools to beat stress and build a foundation for new growth.

Read more on my blog:
How do we see our world?
Nourishing Comfort
Welcome to November
Let’s Carry the Gratitude of Thanksgiving Throughout the Year
It’s Salsa Season!
What people are saying...
I would recommend Georgia’s approach and work to people who are experiencing symptoms of trauma or anxiety, especially related to ourselves individually and our shared future on the planet. She creates a safe space for those of us interested in taking charge of creating positive transition for ourselves in a changing world. - NS

Contact me for a free Discovery Call to discuss how we might work together.

Energy for Transformation, Windsor, NS, Canada, B0N 2T0

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