Sustainable Transformation from the Inside Out
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Energy for
Sustainable Transformation from the Inside Out
Hi everyone,

Did it feel like January would never end? I was beginning to think January had turned into a Groundhog Day that would never end! But now here we are halfway through February. We have had a winter of weekly storms here in Nova Scotia but I am beginning to feel the spring energy coming with the longer evenings and the hints of spring. We had a sunny day of 16 degrees yesterday and everybody was OUT and ABOUT!

We have also had a lot of ups and downs around the pandemic that seems to drag on. I am increasingly concerned by the stress this has placed on our relationships and our nervous systems.

We all need a place of calm that we can connect with, especially when we don't know from one day to the next what will unfold. We also need compassion and respect for those who do not see the world in the same way we do. Every one of us is doing their very best in any moment. How we see the world is shaped by our past experience as well as the present state of our nervous system, and given the stress we have been under for the past two years, it is not surprising that there are a variety of views about what needs to happen to restore balance and peace to our communities. I'll be talking a bit more in my blog post about how our nervous system state influences how we see the world, and how we can take steps to shift to a more peaceful state that supports our wellbeing.

Wishing you all a HAPPY Valentine's Day!

Lots of love,

Georgia Barnwell
How do we SEE our world?
Do you evern wonder why you can feel up one day and down the next? What has changed? Has the world changed overnight? Or has our perception changed?

Our nervous systems reflect what is going on around us and within us. We can all have days when we feel:
  • frozen, numb, shut down and simply can't get out of bed. That's our Freeze response.
  • reactive, irritatated, and just want to swat away all those things that are so annoying, or we want to run away from them. That's our Fight/Flight response.
  • present, calm, clear, engaged and alert and are able to take on anything. This is our optimal level of functioning, and our social engagement system is activated. This is also called our rest, digest and repair state.

If I asked you on each of those different days what would your view of life be in the moment? What would it be? |How we act, react and perceive the world aorund us depends on what part of our nervous system is activated.
  • In Freeze: Life is impossible. The world is dark. Attitude: I can't. And we do not act. We freeze or shut down.
  • In Fight or Flight: Life is irritating, frustrating, demanding. The world is overwhelming and chaotic. Attitude: I can. But our actions come from old unconscious patterns driven by anger or fear.
  • In our Optimal Level of Functioning: Life is meaningful. I feel at ease, empowered and connected to others. Our actions are conscious and are informed by our thinking brain. We are more resilient to daily ups and downs. This place of resilience is also called our Window of Tolerance.

We often have days where we ask ourselves "what made me do that? It didn't make sense at all! And why do I always react that way? I want to stop doing that!" And we then follow that with some kind of judgement - of ourselves or others involved. Some of us blame others for our reactions and some of us blame ourselves. But there is a bigger picture in action here. If we are in fight, flight or freeze, our actions come from an unconscious, defensive place. And these actions don't always have the result we want - they can keep us locked in a defensive dynamic with life and the people around us.

These last two years have magnified this experience for most of us. The constant stress and uncertaintty brought on by the pandemic has increased the pressure on our nervous systems. Many of us are in chronic stress and are bouncing between fight/flight and freeze, with little time spent in a peaceful and easy state.

Lockdowns and the many defensive requirements of our present society are reflected in our locked-down nervous systems. We may bounce between our freeze reactions where we sleep late, overeat, overdrink and watch too much netflix to feeling anger and rage at those lockdowns that make us feel like prisoners being punished. Is it any wonder that we are experiencing such chaos around us? We may not spend any time in our Window of Tolerance.

From our past experiences, we all have our own unique perceptions and beliefs about how we need to be and act to feel safe and acceptable in this confusing world. Many of these beliefs and actions come from an unconscious need to defend ourselves. It is only when we become conscious of these conditioned beliefs can we make more informed and empowered choices about how we want to be in this world. We can spend more time in our nervous system's optimal level of functioning - our social engagement system.

From this place we can shift from defensive perceptions and actions and open up to seeing our fellow humans with compassion and understanding. We can connect and work in cooperation and collaboration to support ourselves and our communities.

One of my favourite pieces of wisdom from Wayne Dyer is "when you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change". And this is exactly what happens when we are able to shift from our defensive nervous system to our Window of Tolerance.

I am grateful every day for Conscious EFT. It has helped me to recognize when I am in defense mode and come back to being centred and grounded in my Window of Tolerance. From here I can feel more compassiopnate for myself and others, and can see how to move forward in ways that create more safety, respect and much more joy!

Wishing you all more peace, compassion and an inspired vision of how we can support each other in healing from these lockdowns.

Current Offerings

Last Chance to Join Us!

As we move into a fresh new year, I am once again offering my flagship program. This is a 7 week program starting Tuesday, February 22.

Tap into a New Relationship with Food

  • Are you using food to manage stress?
  • Are you over- or under-nourished or skipping meals?
  • Are you confused by all the conflicting information on the "perfect" diet?
  • Did you know that the saying "you are what you eat" can set us up for failure?

I can't wait to start this program, we learn so much and have a lot of fun as we support each other in making changes that work for us. Bring a friend and save!

    Click here for more Information!

    What Lights You Up?
    What Lights You UP?
    This is a short meditation exercise to help us build a place of resilience that we can connect to at any time. This originally had a Christmas theme, but who says that has to stop now? There is a pdf handout describing the process as well as a recording. Here are the links to these FREE Resources:

    What Lights You Up? Meditation Recording

    What Lights You Up? PDF

    More Help for Your Secret Snacker

    Put some LIFE in Your Diet!

    This is a 12-video course and ebook that brings information and recipes on how to add high-energy living foods to your diet.

    We learn about living nutrition, how to support your microbiome and how living foods can bring more energy and balance into your life. And we have recipes and demonstrations on how to make various ferments and grow some sprouts.

    I am offering this delicious course for $39. Learn more at:

    Email me at to organize purchase and delivery.

    Tapping Essentials for Stress Relief

    Learn how you can create calm in the moment! This is a free monthly webinar introducing Conscious EFT.

    Dates and times: first Monday of the month...
    • Monday, March 7 at 7pm Atlantic

    In these 45 minute sessions, you will:
    • learn about EFT/Tapping and how it works
    • experience how tapping can ease stress and tension in the space of a few moments
    • take home three tapping tools you can use yourself every day.

    Please email me to register and I'll send you the Zoom link.

    Read more on my blog:
    Welcome to November
    Let’s Carry the Gratitude of Thanksgiving Throughout the Year
    Nourishing Comfort
    It’s Salsa Season!
    Do You Want Fries with That?
    What people are saying...
    I would recommend Georgia’s approach and work to people who are experiencing symptoms of trauma or anxiety, especially related to ourselves individually and our shared future on the planet. She creates a safe space for those of us interested in taking charge of creating positive transition for ourselves in a changing world. - NS

    Contact me for a free Discovery Call to discuss how we might work together.

    Energy for Transformation, PO Box 3711, 263 Gerrish Street, Windsor, Nova Scotia B0N 2T0, Canada

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