Sustainable Transformation from the Inside Out
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Energy for
Clear that Winter Clutter!
You'll be Surprised What Happens Next!
Hi everyone,

As we reach Spring Equinox here I am getting ready to celebrate Spring and the new energy of growth. And as more light enters my home, my eye is drawn here and there to notice a bit of clutter. Sometimes it's just a book on the dinner table or a file left in the kitchen, and these are easily reorganized to leave a sense of peace and calm. At other times I am noticing the pile of files I have put out to remind me of a project, but there they sit, gathering dust. Sigh.

A client made the observation the other day that clutter felt like so many unmade decisions. And wow, I could resonate with that! Sometimes we have so many things on the go we are constantly juggling the tasks and decisions needed to keep it all going. Most of us have more tasks, responsibilities, projects, related to work, home, family and self care than we can possibly keep up with. And this breeds clutter. It's not that we are lazy or irresponsible, it's simply that we can't keep up with it all!

The comment about clutter representing unmade decisions feels very accurate to me. Our nervous systems
can only process so much information at a time, and when we are overloaded with stress, our nervous system shuts down and we have some emotional and cognitive clutter that seems to fill the room around us. And the hardest part of clearing the clutter is the decisions involved in "what do I do with this?!!!"

My own relationship with clutter has evolved over many years from of fighting it, feeling guilty for it and feeling powerless to change it. I recognized at one point that clutter could dissolve if I gave myself space for self care and took regular steps to reduce stress and build more capacity for my nervous system to work the way it was designed.

And at this equinox, balance is the theme. I'm tapping through some irritation with clutter clearing and as I do that  find that the decisions of what to do with this and that seems to be made easily. And this is building some momentum for new visions and planting some seeds for spring growth.

Wishing you clear space to create something beautiful this spring!

Lots of love,
Georgia Barnwell's
Energy for Transformation

Treat Yourself to Some Peace
Creating Peace on Your Cancer Journey
Coming up in March

Creating Peace on your cancer journey

Any health challenge brings its own unique and complex experience for ourselves and our families. This program has been designed for those on a cancer journey to provide tools and support for emotional regulation, creating peace and improving your quality of life.

There has been significant research showing that using EFT can have significant benefits for those experiencing cancer including a reduction of pain and side effects of treatment. It has also been shown to reduce stress and increase quality of life. Mindset is important!

Half-Day Retreat / Masterclass on March 24
This is a stand-alone program that introduces tools to support your nervous system, reduce stress and create more stability to navigate your cancer journey.
Register Here

Join my friend and colleague, Candace Fox on Wednesday, April 3rd @ 6PM EST or Saturday, April 6th @ 2PM EST as she dives into the intricate and (in her my opinion) under-discussed and not well-known connection between AD[H]D and co-occurring eating disorders.

In this 60-minute presentation, attendees will discover how the challenges of AD[H]D symptomology can intertwine with patterns of disordered eating - both deeply impacting and exasperating the other. Candace's goal is to share insightful and enlightening research on the topic - looking at genetic and biological factors that hugely impact a person's likelihood of having both AD[H]D and developing an eating disorder.

To learn more and reserve your free spot to this webinar please visit: https://adhdandeatingdisorders.eventbrite.caor contact Candace directly at /


Read more on my blog:
How do we see our world?
Nourishing Comfort
Welcome to November
Let’s Carry the Gratitude of Thanksgiving Throughout the Year
It’s Salsa Season!
What people are saying...
I would recommend Georgia’s approach and work to people who are experiencing symptoms of trauma or anxiety, especially related to ourselves individually and our shared future on the planet. She creates a safe space for those of us interested in taking charge of creating positive transition for ourselves in a changing world. - NS

Contact me for a free Discovery Call to discuss how we might work together.

Energy for Transformation, Windsor, NS, Canada, B0N 2T0

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