Sustainable Transformation from the Inside Out
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Energy for
Sustainable Transformation from the Inside Out
Hi everyone,

As we slide into winter here in the north, I am reminded of how rich our holiday time can be with family visits and sharing food. I am also reminded that this can be a challenging season as well. We all have responsibilities and a long list of things to do, and it can be easy to forget what and why we are celebrating. I remind myself daily to add a little bit of extra self-care and stress reduction to my day, and also to hold us all in compassion as we navigate these holidays and all they mean to us.

I have a few musings on how we can truly nourish ourselves and some tips on how to light ourselves back up!

Wishing you all peace and comfort throughout this season and into the new year.

Georgia Barnwell
Nourishing Comfort
As the weather gets cold and grey, our attraction for comfort foods can go off the chart. Stuck inside, fewer opportunities to connect with nature and its nourishing energy, and shorter daylight can all add up to lower moods, less motivation and even some sadness as we disconnect from the warmth and activity of summer and fall.

Cravings for comfort foods are high this season! We often choose sweets or salty, starchy foods and if we are not careful we can get locked into a habit where we sooth ourselves with our favourite comfort food without even noticing that we ate the whole thing. Eating comfort foods will shift our brain chemistry so we feel happy, connected and, well, like we are accomplishing something. The brain chemicals associated with happiness, connection and accomplishment are serotonin, oxytocin and dopamine, and they are what we want when we crave comfort foods.

The only problem is that our chosen food, whether it’s chocolate, cake or chips, can give us a short-term boost of happy brain chemicals, will eventually leave us feeling flat and needing another serving, even if we are not really hungry.

Most comfort foods are actual substitutes for a deeper need. And if we can be aware of what that need is, we can meet the need for happiness, connection or accomplishment in ways that meet the need that is hidden under the cravings. AND when we do eat our favourite holiday food, we can eat it with presence and enjoyment!

EFT/Tapping is my ‘go to’ to process those snacking urges and helps me feel a bit more like our Zen Santa up there. A few moments of tapping can calm me down and put me into a place where I can see what I am really craving. Maybe it’s some quiet time, a conversation with a friend or maybe I really am hungry and need to eat! When we can be present to the real need behind the urge, we can make choices that don’t set us up for a shame/blame cycle of self judgement.

I know we are all way too busy this season, but I’m hoping a little tapping can reduce your stress and add some nourishing self-care time to your holidays. What will really nourish you this season?

Holiday Offerings

With nourishment and stress reduction in mind, I have two offerings for the season and beyond.

What Lights You UP?
This is a short meditation exercise to help us build a place of resilience that we can connect to at any time. There is a pdf handout describing the process as well as a recording. Here are the links to the FREE Resources:

What Lights You Up? Meditation Recording

What Lights You Up? PDF


Put some |LIFE in Your Diet!

This is a 12-video course and ebook that brings information and recipes on how to add high-energy living foods to your diet.

We learn about living nutrition, how to support your microbiome and how living foods can bring more energy and balance into your life. And we have recipes and demonstrations on how to make various ferments and grow some sprouts.

I am offering this as a Holiday Special for $26.

Click here for more information and to purchase
(It will be listed as an event, but it's available at any time. When you purchase it, I will be notified and will send you the links - that's my less than tech savvy solution to the mysteries of WordPress!)
Put Some LIFE in Your DIET – Energy for Transformation


Do the Holidays bring out your Secret Snacker?
FREE Webinar

Are you:

  • Overwhelmed? Out of control?
  • Constantly irritated and anxious?
  • Using food to manage your stress?
  • Feeling guilty about what you're eating?
  • Can't seem to let go of those comforting treats?
  • Stuck in a rut of emotional eating and self judgement and not getting anywhere?

    Did you know that inflammation in our gut is at the source of stress, anxiety and eating habits we wish we could change?

    Join me for a FREE Webinar on Monday, December 13 at 7 pm Atlantic to learn how you can break out of the rut of stress and emotional eating and give some LOVE and Nourishment to that secret snacker.

    Other dates include:
    Monday, December 20
    Tuesdays January 4, 11, 18, 25 and February 1 and 8. Message me here to register for your chosen date and I will send you a zoom link.
    Or register here and a link will be sent to you.

    Tapping Essentials for Stress Relief

    Learn how you can create calm in the moment! This is a free monthly webinar introducing Conscious EFT.

    Dates and times: first Monday of the month...
    • Monday, January 3 at 7pm Atlantic

    In these 45 minute sessions, you will:
    • learn about EFT/Tapping and how it works
    • experience how tapping can ease stress and tension in the space of a few moments
    • take home three tapping tools you can use yourself every day.

    Please email me to register and I'll send you the Zoom link.

    A Fresh Start for 2022!
    As we move into a fresh new year, I am once again offering my flagship program. This is a 7 week program starting Tuesday, February 22.

    Tap into a New Relationship with Food

    • Are you using food to manage stress?
    • Are you over- or under-nourished or skipping meals?
    • Are you confused by all the conflicting information on the "perfect" diet?
    • Did you know that the saying "you are what you eat" can set us up for failure?

    I can't wait to start this program, we learn so much and have a lot of fun as we support each other in making changes that work for us. Bring a friend and save!

      Click here for more Information!

      Read more on my blog:
      It’s Salsa Season!
      Do You Want Fries with That?
      Zucchini Fritters
      Tending Our Gardens
      Let’s Toast to Summer!
      What people are saying...
      I would recommend Georgia’s approach and work to people who are experiencing symptoms of trauma or anxiety, especially related to ourselves individually and our shared future on the planet. She creates a safe space for those of us interested in taking charge of creating positive transition for ourselves in a changing world. - NS

      Contact me for a free Discovery Call to discuss how we might work together.

      Energy for Transformation, PO Box 3711, 263 Gerrish Street, Windsor, Nova Scotia B0N 2T0, Canada

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