Sustainable Transformation from the Inside Out
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Energy for
Sustainable Transformation from the Inside Out
Celebrate Curiosity in 2023!
Hi everyone,

Welcome to a new and fresh year. 52 weeks of new opportunities and space to create joy!

I hope this week you are feeling more freedom from the holiday expectations and are looking forward to another trip around the sun.

This time of year brings most of us into a time of wondering how we might do a new year differently. Many of us want specific changes. I know that no matter what the previous year held, I always begin a new year with some hope for happiness, growth and success. In past years, my hopes were always ambitious and carried a vision of perfection and immediate change. It didn't take long for these hopes to be dashed by unconscious resistance and behaviour patterns. By February, I had usually forgotten about the lofty goals I had and sunk into a "never get there" frame of mind.

Over these last  few years I have begun to approach the new year differently, with fewer rigid expectations and a lot less disappointment! Energy Psychology tools like EFT and Havening Techniques have helped me change my experience of the new year, and to start making genuine change that brings satisfaction, fun and joy to my life daily! I am now able to celebrate the new year with curiosity about how new things will unfold.

Read on to see how you can make friends with your resolutions and move forward into this fresh new year with confidence, creativity and joy.

Lots of love,
Georgia Barnwell

Unpacking Resolution Resistance

Did you come in to this new year with some great ideas about what you'd like to accomplish but don't have any idea what to do to start building your dream?

Or did you jump into this new year with a super comprehensive plan with goals and detailed actions. Do you know (lol, think you know) how every minute of every day will be filled? And how does it feel? Did you hit a wall and suddenly feel like you can't move, it's all too much!

Both of these pictures have a lot in common. A lack of clarity OR too many details can both be overwhelming and keep us stuck.

A long history of breaking resolutions designed to make me 'perfect' took its toll and left me discouraged and doubtful that I could ever really change. Sigh. What was I missing? My desired changes were always fueled by good intentions, so why didn't they happen? Two things come to mind:

  • I expected huge and immediate changes in all areas of my life - diet, exercise, learning, work... you name it, I thought if I knew what perfection looked like to me, it would just happen on its own. But change doesn't happen that way. It's actually a set up for failure. Our nervous systems don't like change and uncertainty. They don't know what the new and perfect territory looks like. In biological terms, our brains simply don't have the neural networks to support change and orient to this new place.  BUT if we can get clear about what we want to change and how our lives will benefit, we can start to identify small changes and coax our nervous system along with curiosity into exploring this new territory and building the networks to support the new!

  • Consistent action is also is a primary ingredient for change. Even after I had chunked down my change into small and seemingly doable steps, I found I was still hitting a wall. Like most of us, I was carrying old unconscious and conditioned beliefs and patterns that kept me stuck. Procrastination, perfectionism, and even people pleasing all played a part in confounding the changes I was so clear I wanted to make. And these three 'Ps' are not the problem. They are just three of the many ways that resistance can show up for us when we want to change. They are defensive states that call for caution! Unexplored territory ahead!!! The resistance shows up to keep us safe. There is no way around it, only through. We need to explore our resistance, be grateful for its messages of caution, and from here we can start to take some small sure steps towards lasting change.

As this new year is still loading, can you approach it gently and with compassion for yourself as you explore new territory? Can you be curious about what you might discover in 2023?

Over the next few weeks I will be sharing some insights on how to work with procrastination, perfectionism, people pleasing and other defensive states that keep us stuck. There is definitely a way through to a whole new you!

Connect with me to discuss how we can work together.
Looking for Some Nourishing Ideas
for the New Year?

Put Some LIFE in Your Diet!
Learn how to improve your digestion, support your microbiome and boost your immunity with ferments, sprouts and living foods. It's easy to add these yummy LIVE foods into your daily diet. We make 4 different fermented recipes to show you different types of foods, we learn how to grow sprouts, in jars and trays, and we make some nut/seed milks. And we learn a bit about the nutrition behind living foods and why they bring so much new energy into your day.

When you purchase this course, I'll send you an email with details to access it.

his is a 12-video course and ebook that brings information and recipes on how to add high-energy living foods to your diet.

We learn about living nutrition, how to support your microbiome and how living foods can bring more energy and balance into your life. And we have recipes and demonstrations on how to make various ferments and grow some sprouts.

I am offering this as a Holiday Special for $39.

Message me to purchase and I will send you the links - that's my less than tech savvy solution to the mysteries of WordPress!
Put some LIFE in your DIET!

Canada’s National Emotional Freedom Techniques Training Institute provides 12-week program DISCOVER Conscious EFT™ that offers Stress Reduction, Symptom Management & Self-Regulation around current life issues. #EFT #Neftti
Click here for more information.

What's New at Energy for Transformation?
Here are a few new goodies to whet your appetite, with more to come in the new year!

  • I am excited to announce that I will be adding Havening Techniques® to my toolbox! Havening is an Energy Psychology technique and close cousin to EFT. And like EFT, It helps us to regulate our nervous system, process past painful events and shift from stuck to empowered. I have been using this in combination with Conscious EFT and find that it is a natural companion to tapping.

  • Check out how we can work together individually to help you meet your most precious goals.

  • If you'd like to organize a program for your small group, check out these offerings. We have a lot of fun, share our collective wisdom and learn new tools to beat stress and build a foundation for new growth.

Read more on my blog:
How do we see our world?
Nourishing Comfort
Welcome to November
Let’s Carry the Gratitude of Thanksgiving Throughout the Year
It’s Salsa Season!
What people are saying...
I would recommend Georgia’s approach and work to people who are experiencing symptoms of trauma or anxiety, especially related to ourselves individually and our shared future on the planet. She creates a safe space for those of us interested in taking charge of creating positive transition for ourselves in a changing world. - NS

Contact me for a free Discovery Call to discuss how we might work together.

Energy for Transformation, Windsor, NS, Canada, B0N 2T0

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